I have a strange problem I can't solve. I have a log table where a have for example a timecreated column where I store dates in the format 0704212112538707
What I want to to is to search for log posts that are in between two dates.
I have this SQL query: select * from log where timecreated >= '070421' and timecreated <= '070422'. With this question I only get hits from the date 070421. I would like to get both 070421 and 070422. I get no difference if I use < or <=.
How would I solve this
Best /M
Well, I would suggest you convert that data into a datetime value and you will get a lot more value. But, the problem you are having is that 'A' comes before 'AA' in a sort order. So, 070422 is before any value in your table that has a time portion. So use < 070423 and you will get the values you need:
drop table test
create table test
timecreated char(16)
insert into test
select '0704212112538707'
union all
select '0704223112538707'
union all
select '0704212112338707'
union all
select '0704242112338707'
select *
from test
where timeCreated >= '070421'
and timeCreated < '070423'
'0704242112338707' was not returned.
|||You cannot compare strings in this manner and get teh results you are wanting. You will need to convert the field to a datetime for comparisons.|||
What if you sum 1 day to the final timecreated?. I mean, of you want the '070421' to '070422' you can probe with the '070422' + 1 day -> '070421' to '070423'
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