I've used the RS Config Mgr to create a fresh database for it named SSRS (and SSRSTembDB), and it is set to use Service Credentials in the db connection. The RS service is running using the same admin account as MSSQL, .\SQLExec. I have confirmed that .\SQLExec is in the RSExecRole role in the SSRS database.
When I created the SSRS database, the Config Mgr had a green check for every step except the last. For "Setting Connection Info for the Reporting Server" there was a yellow '!', with the explanation, "Although saving the database connection succeeded, the report server cannot access internal information about this deployment to determine if the current configuration is valid for this edition. ..."
I examined rsreportserver.config to look for any issues. The <dsn> element has an encrypted string, the <ConnectionType> element says "Default", and the logon elements are empty. I could not find the db names, SSRS and SSRSTempDB, anywhere in the file. Where are these kept? I don't know what else to look for.
Also, in RS Config Mgr, the 'Encryption Keys' page has a blue '!', and only the 'Restore' and 'Delete' buttons are enabled. The 'Initialization' page has a red 'X'. The local RS is not listed (the grid is empty), and clicking the 'Initialize' button does nothing.
How can I diagnose and fix this installation?Check and see if you had changed your password on your Administrator account for your server after installing Reporting Services. This will cause the problem if you have.|||I posted the solution in another thread. See:
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