Monday, March 19, 2012


Hi all,

Just as a curiosity (and thoroughness) thing, why are there synonyms in SQL Server? When I say synonyms, i mean INT and INTEGER, OUT and OUTPUT: These word pairs mean the same thing!

And in some examples they chop and change between the use of these words... It adds to the confusion.

Anyhows I'm curious as to the "why" behind this.



Interesting Topic...

Here I want to tell 2 things,

1. SQL-92 Standard

2.T-SQL Standard

SQL Server 2000 is mangaed to support SQL-92 & its own native specification (T-SQL) for backward Compatibility.


Both are came from SQL-92 specification. as per the SQL-92 specification INT = Ada Type Specification for INTEGER


OUT is introduced in SQL-99 specification & freezed/accepted in SQL-2003 specification.

Now a days almost all the database trying to supprt the ANSI SQL standard. But none of them created their database only with ANSI Standard. They declared their database as SQL-XX standard and adopting the latest standard or inventing new concepts to beat their competitors.For example SQL Server 2000 is ANSI-SQL-92 compliant but it supports lot of features which is freezed on SQL-99/2003 standard(like Boolean datatype(with null), User Defined data type & etc.).

There are lot more topics there to disucss..


Hi ManiD,

Thanks for that. For some reason knowing the why just makes it easier to accept some things :)



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